With Nebelhorn Trophy starting in only a few hours, I need to empty my brain of the 25+ hours of skating I watched this past weekend. Overall, I thought most performances were...lackluster. I think there's really a dearth of exciting programs but here are some favorites from the events.
#3: Two Stand-Out ladies (who didn't get a Gold)
My #3 this week is a tie between the second place ladies at JGP Russia and US International Classic: Sofia Samodelkina and Yeonjeong Park. Sofia has been a standout novice/junior Russian lady for the past 2 or 3 seasons, but usually gets outshined by an Eteri skater, which happened here again, with her losing to the other Sofia (Akateva). But I've always appreciated her strong skating and her programs, maybe because they just look different compared to other formulaic skating coming out of the country. I don't know if I've been living under a rock, but I had no idea she had so many quads in addition to a triple axel (which she unfortunately missed in her short program). The first quad lutz was STUNNING! And Yeonjeong was an angel in Boston this weekend. Beautiful (typical Korean) costuming, lovely landings, and just overall joyous skating. In my opinion, her long program, in a righteous world, should have gotten her into first place beyond Trusova, who had such a rough skate with none of the artistry that Yeonjeong had.
#2: Hubbell and Donohue...I know, I'm surprised too
I usually hate Madison and Zach's programs, I really do. Their programs and costuming make it so difficult to appreciate their powerful skating. But for some reason, I'm really enamored with their new free dance. At first I thought it might be a snooze, but I actually think it is quite lyrical and, in a surprising turn of events, actually loved Madison's costume for the program. I know most other people this past weekend had a different opinion and thought this program wasn't "olympic" enough...but I was entertained and I actually hope they keep it.
(No shareable video available at the moment (FU NBC), will update if one becomes available)
I LOVE this team. They seem so positive every time they step on the ice, and I personally think, more so than other international teams, their improvement from competition to competition is so clear. And these skates here in Canada were beautiful. I was excited, I'm sure the Japanese federation is excited (because I think this might be the first time a Japanese pair has won an international event EVER), and the skating community at large was excited because their win meant Vanessa and Eric didn't win. Highlight of the week, by far!
Jailable Moment of the Week: Diana and Gleb? Huh?
The worst moment of the week was when judges at International Classic were drugged (?) bribed (?) enchanted (?) and gave Diana and Gleb such high scores in both their rhythm and free dance. Look, I think they have exciting programs, but their lines are not that solid, their edges are not that good, and the skating is still transitioning from a junior level. Plus, they clearly have never actually seen Moulin Rouge because why are they smiling throughout the free dance? That makes no sense.