I’m very excited to announce that my first academic research article has been accepted and published in Global Change Biology Bioenergy. I’m so grateful to my advisors, Carrie, Ghasideh, and Ken, for contributing to this work and guiding me through the academic process.
This paper connects physical mechanisms of biochar and biochar application (particle size, feedstock, temperature, application rate, soil texture) to potential water savings that can be realized through its use in agriculture. My goal with this meta-analysis (which was my senior thesis project), was to start doing what I don’t feel enough scientific research does- connect the science to why people should care about it.
In the future, I want to continue studying and adding to natural climate solutions (NCS) research the same way that this work seeks to do. We can’t progress understanding and use of solutions like biochar without discussing co-benefits that can improve lives. Talking about “carbon sequestration” isn’t enough when many citizens and stakeholders don’t see immediate, tangible benefits from that. Connecting NCS to potential cost savings though? That’s another story…